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Religious Consultation

In times of crises, Many people, irrespective of levels of religious belief, seek spiritual guidance from a religious authority, whether for general advice or assistance, or concerning an issue relating to religious law and practice. At times like these, when the Coronavirus is rampant, the right kind of spiritual facilitation can help you with personal issues and difficulties.

For many, the assistance of a religious authority (rabbi, imam, priest, etc.), can simplify the process and make the days of mourning a little easier and less painful.


In coordination with the Tzohar organization and other religious networks, we will connect you to the best spiritual support during this crisis. (at no charge.)

The Tzohar rabbi will be available to answer questions, offer advice, or provide assistance towards helping you through this difficult time. Other religious authorities provide guidance in accordance with their belief system, as well.

How can we help you?

Your Gender
Choose from the following services: (feel free to tick more than one option)
Amount of time since their passing

כיצד נוכל לסייע לך?

Choose from the following services: (feel free to tick more than one option)
Your gender
Amount of time since their passing

Contact us


Working hours: Sunday to Wednesday 10:00-14:00

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