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About the association

The OUT OF THE DEPTHS Program operates in the framework of the “Netivei Udi” registered association, established in memory of  Yehuda “Udi” Elgrably who loved and respected all mankind, regardless of race, color and religion. The association offers a range of educational and social programs to strengthen Israeli society, such as religious-secular mediation, reducing social disparities, and more.


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Ofir Elgrably



Shlomzion Landau Hallegua

Chairperson, Benetivei Udi

Life coach and movement therapist.

Over 15 years of experience in management and marketing.

The OUT OF THE DEPTHS Program Team

Professional Team


Dr. Ronit Shalev

Lecturer, therapist and researcher in the field of bereavement, loss and mourning. Research fellow at the International Center for the Study of Loss, Bereavement and Human Resilience at the University of Haifa. Co-chair of the Mourning and Bereavement Forum combining government offices, associations and organizations in the field of mourning. Senior lecturer at The College of Management, and the Shiluv Center.

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Dr. Ilan Sherif

Director of the field of loss and Bereavement, and of the couples and family therapy stations for the Ministry of Social Affairs.

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Dr. Eti Ablin

Social worker with a specialization in loss and bereavement. Teaches university courses on loss and bereavement, and serves as a consultant to social workers and psychologists on loss and bereavement therapy. Co-chair of the Mourning and Bereavement Forum combining government offices, associations and organizations in the field of mourning.

Organizational Team

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Vardit Kimhi

Organizational consultant, senior lecturer and facilitator. Specializes in establishing emergency systems and services in the public and municipal sectors, working with senior management, managing complex change, and structuring dynamic models to enable coping with complex change. BA in social work, MA in organizational behavior.


זיו קמיני

עובדת סוציאלית MSW המתמחה בטיפול וליווי מתמודדים עם טראומה שכול ואובדן, חלק ממערך הנפגעים וחוסן של צה"ל. מגשרת עסקית ומשפחתית, מנחת תהליכי בניית הסכמות במרחב הכפרי.


Yuval Kimhi

Program Coordinator.

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יובל קמחי

מנהלת המוקד

Professional Consultants

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Professor Simon Shimshon Rubin

Clinical psychologist, founder and head of the International Center for the Study of Loss, Bereavement and Human Resilience at the University of Haifa. An active clinician, he is professor emeritus of clinical psychology, chair of the “Zramim” Postgraduate Psychotherapy Program at the University of Haifa and professor of psychology at the Jezreel Valley College.

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Dr. Hend Esmael

Clinical psychologist and instructor in the Department of Adult Psychiatry at Ziv Medical center, in Safed.
Lecturer at Sakhnin College of Education, specializing in educational counseling.
Has a private clinic.
Researches loss, bereavement and mental health.

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Professor Ruth Malkinson

 Clinical social worker, former chair of the Israel Organization of Couples and Family Therapy. Specialist member and mentor at “ITAH” The Israeli Association for Cognitive & Behavioral Therapy. Treats individuals, couples and families using the CBT method. Coordinates the field of training at the International Center for the Study of Loss, Bereavement and Human Resilience at the University of Haifa.

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Dr. Shiri Daniels

Lecturer at Tel Aviv University, serves as national professional manager of the ERAN (Psychological First Aid) hotline and internet support services.

Religious Leaders


Rabbi Yuval Cherlow

Head of the “Orot Shaul” Hesder Yeshiva (combining Jewish religious studies with compulsory military service). Founding member of the Tzohar organization.  His primary field of public involvement is ethics. and he is a member of several national ethical committees. His books and articles deal with issues of Jewish law, Bible, and contemporary Jewish thought.

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Father Aref Yemin

Catholic priest from Sakhnin.
Serves the parish at St. Joseph Church. He has taught social sciences and Arabic at Sakhnin High School. Today,He is CEO of the Mar Elias Association in Eblin - Ecclesiastical Educational Institutions. Has bachelor's and master's degrees from the University of Haifa, and a diploma in mythology.

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Sheikh Mu'in Sa'ah Araba

Imam in the Osman bin Afan Mosque.  Teacher of Islamic religious studies at the Mekif Areba School. Social activist.

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Sheikh Raed Bisan

Druze social worker and spiritual leader

Provides emotional support to bereaved families and individuals during times of crisis. Assists in conducting mourning rituals in the tradition of the Druze community. Provides guidance to families who have experienced loss regarding available financial assistance and grants.

How can we help you?

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כיצד נוכל לסייע לך?

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Your gender
Amount of time since their passing

Contact us


Working hours: Sunday to Wednesday 10:00-14:00

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